全场都在整齐的叫着 东方神起 MI DO YO
他们没有理解到 叫声大到让允浩无法继续说下去 他们以为是我们
想听《我相信》这首歌 大米俊秀就哼唱了一句
可是全场仍然在继续着MI DO YO的口号声
他们就这么迷糊地开始唱《SONG FOR YOU》
看到了大家的布条 允浩完全明白了
他脸色一下就变了 然后就不唱了 只是一直鞠躬 一直招手
接着其他人也就都明白了 眼睛不停的扫观众席
白色的布条 写着他们熟悉的韩文 传达着中饭的心情 所有喜欢他
无论怎样 我们相信
相信那些承诺 相信他们的努力 也相信自己的眼光 相信这6年来的
他们进了后台 依然整齐的叫着 东方神起 MI DO YO
持续了很久 直到他们出现
安可曲 最后一首 《TONIGHT》
有天和在中明显看到在哭 眼泪就这么挂着
俊秀一直擦眼睛 脸上没表情 就只是咬着嘴唇
昌珉瞪大着眼睛 眼睛里亮晶晶的
允浩在进行最后的总结 说谢谢之类的话 越说越慢 越说也小声 就
当然 五个人眼睛都是红的 最后 还是红着眼睛来了一个强颜欢笑
还没有回到主舞台的时候我看到有天的样子 听到后面的仙后说
当时的感觉很奇特 我一点不伤心啊 这次应援这么出色 他们这么
卖力 而且这也不是最后一场 1121还有深圳呢
视频里都录下来了 我的骂声 “啥子哦?哭啥子嘛?” 还是用重
旁边亲的也在哭 放眼一看好多人都在哭 有几个日饭盛装打扮的妆
举布条的手都僵了 我录了一整场 手没有什么感觉了 也许是累着
反正就看着他们的表情 越哭越厉害
(omo...my tears are falling down uncontrollable..what i can say is china's fans are really awesome..dbsk trusts us that we are always support them...Always Keep The Faith)
The curtains are down, the sentence "Miduhyo" is still chanting in my ears. I'm still carrying the 믿어요 poster, walking up the Sichuan North Street towards the hotel. The crowd is noisy, but I'm silent. The scenes are still playing in my head. Yunho looking like he was crying during "Love In The Ice", Jaejoong kneeling down as he sang "Crazy Love", Yoochun crying again and again, and lastly the maknae's teary eyes. At the end of the end, Leader Jung came back running, to bow deeply at us.
We said "Miduhyo" and Jung said "Araseo".
I'm not someone who likes to cry, so I didn't cry today.
It's my third time attending their concert. This is the time the fans gave most support, it is the time I felt most touched.
I suddenly thought, regarding not breaking up, regarding forever, none of us can guarantee.
But we can say, no matter how far you go, I'll go with you.
믿 어요 this sentence, means believing in you, not believing in not breaking up. Believe in your songs, believe in your love, believe in your efforts, believe in all the wonderfulness you give us.
믿어요 this sentence, means believing in you, not believing in forever. Believe that you and I are all protecting them, believe that you and I will accompany them in achieving their dream, believe that you and I will treasure the memories with DBSK, believe that you, just like me, will put "Cassiopeia" this word on your business card.
Source: KB在中家族
Translation: Jaejoong^3^ @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
awww~don't cry my boys..you know if u guys cry..i can't hold myself too..?