♪Judge: TVXQ relevant documents of performing activities, evidence preservation♪
TVXQ's Yoochun (Micky), JaeJoong (Hero) and Junsu (Xiah) applied for the preservation of evidence hoping to preserve contract books, account books and other relevant documents of their performing activities, and it was accepted during the trial.
According to the Seoul Central District Conference on the 18th September, they had accepted TVXQ's Yoochun, JaeJoong and Junsu's preservation of evidence and rejected the application applied by SM Entertainment.
The three members who asked to stop the exclusive contract with SM and had made a provisional disposition with Seoul Central District in July.
Source: innolife.net / hohobbs.com
Translation: honeyiceblend @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
...jotting it down, at Saturday, September 26, 2009
♪Your worries for the Mid-Autumn Festival end now!♪
Within three days, 2 to 5 October, a global music entertainment channel MTV will be selecting cultural contents and compile them in the special programs for a Mid-Autumn Festival. From the idols’ history, concert scenes, to unpopular street dancers’ magnificent break dance, and then to prize presentation ceremonies which Hollywood movie stars generally turned out for, allowing the audiences to choose as one desires.
MTV overall includes idols’ histories who had set off a wave in 2000: GOD,
TVXQ, Super Junior and SS501 in "MTV Heroes" which was active in the past and will be scheduled on 3rd October 11AM to 4PM in a marathon format.
Idols Special Edition
- MTV Heroes (3rd October (Saturday) 10:00 ~ 16:00)
(Article translation only connected to TVXQ)
Source: bntnews / mingjiscm.net
Translation: honeyiceblend @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
...jotting it down, at
♪A yesterday Barbeque♪
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ..because yesterday was really damn tired so i decided to write about the barbecue today...
as one of the organizer..my friends and I should go to that place which is a car wash that belongs to one of my friend about 6pm ~but after that he said that the car wash open till (ごご)6じ30ぷん..so we decided to go there at (ごご)7じ.
あああ~finally the time has come..we went there by my father's car and before that we went to my friend's house to take those food that cooked by her mom..(fish balls,nuggets,and also barbecue things)
when we reached the car wash..someone has already arrived~the guy's gang..haha..we came out from car and took the food out from car and put them on the table ~and the furnaces that used for barbecue were prepared too.
Nothing much happen while we were doing our things~but we totally looked like "aunty" preparing barbeque things.lol..as time was passing quite fast..the guest almost arrived and started to enjoy those foods~
and i just kept walk here walk there to barbecue ham~sausage~bacon~and many others~
it was quite a good gathering as many friends came..we chat and laughed and had a wonderful moment with each other~i did enjoyed the gathering XD..
Went home about at (ごぜん)12じ~quite late huh..[maybe for me only X) ]
one day has past..no return..
...jotting it down, at
♪JaeChun's Special Mobile Site♪
avex made a special site for the promotion of COLORS! I took pictures of how the mobile site looks like.
Here's the contents of the site:
1. Header - info about COLORS
2. Comment MOVIE - JEJUNG & YUCHUN's comments on the upcoming release of COLORS♪
The movie file cannot be transferred to PC/laptop, so I recorded it using my Mac, please excuse the crappy quality.
Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx9FjJw5i84
Here's the content of the video:
JJ: Hello everyone. We are JEJUNG & YUCHUN~
YC: On the 30th of this month, our new single will be released~ This is a song that both of us have put a lot of efforts in, right?
JJ: That's right~ This is a song that if you listen to it when you're sad or in pain, you'll feel better. Everyone please listen to it!
YC: And that was YUCHUN...
JJ: ... and JEJUNG!
3. Top Page Information - starting form 9/30, for a week, the top page of Tohoshinki mobile site will become a special page of "COLORS〜Melody and Harmony〜/Shelter"

4. PHOTO - Making of PV offshoots (coming soon)
5. FLASH - coming soon
6. Deco Mail Template - Templates that were used during the offshoot (coming soon)
Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
...jotting it down, at
♪Yoochun's cyworld Updates♪
with a new title.... and new image ^^
정말 고마워요...
Thank you so much ...
소중한 날들.
Valuable/Precious Days
and this is his diary:
this is his music player:

Yoochun you are so creative..
Source: Yoochun's Cyworld
Translation: Cielo and Yoochun! @ OneTVXQ
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
From: DBSKnights
...jotting it down, at Thursday, September 24, 2009
♪Tiring day again..><♪
こんばんは みんなさん~
blogging time again~
today i'm a little bit enjoy because i helped to cook agar-agar~haha..of course with my friends..me alone i can't do so many things at the same time..
Nearly about 1pm me and my friends reached my another friend's house..at that time she already started to cook it..she decided to make 3 layers of agar-agar..the 1st layer is with the "milo" which taste like chocolate~the 2nd layer will be the "pandan" flavour~3rd layer will be the coconut flavour~
when we were making the 2nd layer with those "pandan" leaf..aww..the smell..extremely strong with the green grass smell..i can't really imagine how it would taste..
but we're still very happy while making the agar-agar!~finally it was the last layer-coconut flavour left..
my friends was totally だいすきいwith the coconut flavour..but i'm just not very like the flavour..because you know..we're not really good in cooking..=D..(my dear friends who i've mentioned above~if you got view my blog please don't kill me)
after that..we discovered that the agar-agar was not enough for 40 people..so we went out to buy it~that time theてんきwas really sunny..aaa..wonder my skin will turn black or not..X)
by the way~the agar-agar which bought afterward was cooked at my house..because of the たいよう's fault..lol
about 5pm~everything was done..~finally can rest~wuahaha..
online time again as usual..lol..drama time again as usual..hehe..
それでsay goobye time again^^~
...jotting it down, at
♪ Preorder for 2010 Calendar on Famima! ♪

Start: 22nd September 2009
End: 9th November 2009
Goods will be received between 20th to 24th November 2009
Special edition comes with mini stickers!
Delivery fee waived if you pre-order at Famima's website!
For more information please visit: famima.com
Source: Famima + TVXQFARM
Translation: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
From: DBSKnights
...jotting it down, at Wednesday, September 23, 2009
♪Bigeast Members Increase by 20,000 Monthly♪
Recently, I've been trying to find out the exact number of Bigeast members. Because they do not officially announce this, members normally have to ask around to gauge the total number.
To somewhat achieve accuracy, I had to search around a few Japanese fans' blogs and had decided to use BO's (T/N: person's username) and friends' records.
A nationwide tour is a good way to promote, so for this year's April, May and June, Bigeast members had increased by 20,000 per month. My research is as follows:
January: Blog owner's mom - #61***
February: Blog owner - #68***
Early April: Blog owner's friend - #8****
Mid April: Blog owner's friend - #95***
May: Blog owner's friend - #10****
June: Blog owner's friend - #1203**
Early August is 13,000 and on 12th September, 14,000. Now there are some saying it reached 18,000. Personally, I think it should be around 14,000, but no matter what, it's still an amazing number.
Source: JPFans Blog
Translation: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
From: DBSKnights
Bigeast is awesome,isn't it?I dream to become member of Bigeast!! Hope my dreams will become true one day ;D
...jotting it down, at
♪Lee Eun Mi is a Part of the Same Law Firm Representing TVXQ♪
Lee Eun Mi (30 ) is attracting much attention after it has been revealed that, apart from as a singer, she is also active as a lawyer as well.
It has recently been made public knowledge that Lee Eun Mi, graduate of the Seoul University Faculty of Sociology, is working for a law firm as well.
This fact has been publicized after a post on a Netizen portal site on September 16th, stating that "Singer, Lee Eun Mi is working under the same law firm that is representing TVXQ." Lee Eun Mi is handling cases involving common infringement of the law by businesses, M&A, WTO•GATT, civil law, lawsuits, mediating, media censorship, etc.
However, it has been revealed that Lee Eun Mi is not directly involved with the case of TVXQ's Xiah Junsu, Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and SM Entertainment.
On another note, Lee Eun Mi, since her debut single "All I want to give" in 2007, has released the digital single "re: Heart" on September15th after receiving vocal training from composer Park Geun Tae for the past year.
happy.colour@ OneTVXQ.com
Shared by:
OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ!}
From: DBSKnights
...jotting it down, at
♪A tired afternoon♪
*Yawn*..so tired for now..
In the morning of this day,i thought i will *hike* again mountain as usual..unfortunately..after i woke up..my mom just call me drank my milk and she was not prepared to brought me there..!!
and at that time was only 8 in the morning~arrgghhh...i become more tired and tired since morning..i didn't decide to sleep again cos' when i wake up i can't sleep back anymore..-.-
about 1pm..i went to my friend's house and wait for another friend to fetch us go to buy ingredients for the Friday BBQ..^_^..however..as one of the organiser..it's a little bit troublesome..=.=..
after we bought all the ingredients that we need then we went to our friend's house to put those ingredients as her house has big refrigerator among ours..=D..(my house's refrigerator sucks>-<)
we chat at her house for almost 1 hour something..and i was starving at that time too..i didn't eat lunch because my mom didn't cook and i was lazy to go out also.
by the way..i'm not quite sure about how many hour we had chat..but..it doesn't matter right? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
finally i couldn't withstand the hungriness and force my friend to fetch me home..XD
Tomorrow i will be going to my friend's house again to cook=D..
can't wait for it..ahah..because i like to eat fried food X)..
and also..i'm a little bit interest in cooking also..아하하하..
so..また あした~
...jotting it down, at
♪International Fansong Project♪
...jotting it down, at Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Good Afternoon everyone~
kyaa..morning just went for a jogging~so tired..
after went back home..nothing can do again..so boring..
no choice..search for DBSK news again..huahhaaa...
but after that..nothing again..-.-..better finish my HongKong drama before school starts..
and also Family Outing=D...my hyunjoongie was appeared at the latest show..episode 64..muahahaa..*evil laugh again*..
COLORS-Melody and Harmony is going to out soon~i wish i got enough money to buy it.but then..History in Japan and Tohoshinki 2010 Calendar is coming up in October..omo..All About DBSK 3 please be mine photobook i also want!but it is also too expensive already..ㅠ_ㅠ..my desire can't be fulfilled as long as Dong Bang Shin Ki exists..*heehaw*....
All About Dong Bang Shin Ki 3-Please Be Mine Making Book
Colors-Melody And Harmony
From Jejung & Yuchun from Tohoshinki
History In Japan Volume 4
arrghhhh...i want these 3 things...unfortunately...*sigh*nevermind..
wait i earn enough money..then i will...아
by the way..it's drama time againㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Byebye~have a nice day ^^
...jotting it down, at
♪1st time blogging at here...lol♪
What a sunny Monday morning...
hehe..just a little bit of japanese...newly learn..is it correct?=D
by the way..today is my first time blogging at here..
quite surprise i got mood to write blog at this time..XD..especially in MORNING..u know..i'm not quite active in the morning..하하
Actually i write this blog just wanna express my feelings..wakaka..somehow..gt a "dead" object willing to hear me confide is good enough...X)
besides..gt a blog which allow me to write my FAVOURITE KOREAN GROUP is better=)..
At my home nobody willing to hear me talking about them...so sad..but in here..i know a lot of cassies out there..;D..so i'm very happy !coz finally found "my cup of coffee"....muahahahahaha*evil laugh*
ahh...i havn't tell my favourite group yet huh...it is----taadaaa!
Dong Bang Shin Ki 동방신기 Tohoshinki
Tong Vfang Xien Qi 东方神起
isn't that they are so cute..by the way..this photo is when their pre-debut time..their face still very very young..
6 years already........
Gaaa..have to stop now..mom's calling..so..cya guys next time =D..どうも ありがとう ございますfor the visit..*bow* *bow* *bow*
...jotting it down, at Monday, September 21, 2009